Aroma Expert: Comforts, nourishes and relaxed 60mins $80
A multi-vitamin treatment with a delicious and surprising texture and comforts
nourishes and relaxes with 100% natural flax seeds, wheat germ and sunflower seeds.
Aroma Expert: A sensation of extreme effectiveness and absolute well-being
60mins $100
Each facial features a concentrate of very targeted active ingredients with renowned
properties that will fulfil even the most demanding skin. Precision amplified by the specific application technique of our aromatherapy experts: a subtle mixture of power and gentleness.
Aroma Solutions: Treatment for Sensitive Skin 60mins $80
Aroma Solution offers specialised treatments for sensitive zones.
Aromatic rituals for Men: Intense Energy Face Treatment 60mins $80
To lastingly restore pure, clean skin and a balanced, destressed complexion complexion with Oak Bark extract and active essential oils. Purifies, Energises
and Replenishes.
Aroma Solutions Vital eyes - Tones, reduces puffiness and dark circles 30mins $45
Tones, reduces puffiness and dark circles for tired eyesFlower Petals Eye and Lip Moisturising Mask with Sweet Clover, Cornflower and Ivy extracts.
Any customize Aromatherapy Treatment with Aroma Solutions Vital eyes and +
Micro Dermabrasion 80Mins $180
Sit back, Relax, and Christine,sunny, Miki will take you stress away...
Make your appointment today.